EnergiHub App

As an Activ8 Solar Energies and SSE Airtricity customer, you’ll be eligible to access our EnergiHub app for free. With EnergiHub you’ll be able to monitor your solar and battery usage in real-time. Understand where your energy is being generated from and make the most of your export opportunities.

Note: EnergiHub app is only available to customers with a battery included in their installation.

AI Optimisation

EnergiHub uses AI to monitor your energy usage and requirements over a period of 14 days. Once this process is complete and with knowledge of your SSE Airtricity electricity plan (tariff), it will automatically charge and discharge your battery to optimise your systems production in line with your home energy needs to give you cheaper energy bills.

Note: EnergiHub app is only available to customers with a battery included in their installation.

Director of SSE Airtricity, Stephen Gallagher with Ciaran Marron, CEO of Activ8 Solar Energies

SSE Airtricity offer Activ8 customers a market leading 29.5c per kWh for excess solar energy produced and exported back to the grid. New and existing SSE Airtricity customers who have had their solar panels installed with Activ8 from April 13, 2023, will be eligible to be paid a premium of 10 cent per kWh exported on top of the current 19.5 cent export rate, for two years.

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